Save my little data center

In the heart of Abu Dhabi, amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, there lived a young Emarati boy named Khalid. Khalid was not your average twelve-year-old. While his friends spent their free time playing video games or watching movies, Khalid was fascinated by technology and computers. One scorching summer […]

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Hamad And Luna

In the bustling city of Abu Dhabi, where the sun beats down relentlessly, lived a young boy named Hamad. Hamad adored his home, with its gleaming skyscrapers and bustling streets, but he also knew the challenges that came with the scorching heat. However, there was one member of his household […]

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A Christmas Heater Miracle in Dubai

In the heart of Dubai, where innovation and creativity thrived like the city’s skyscrapers, lived a young inventor named Zayd. Despite his expertise in creating gadgets and gizmos, Zayd found himself facing an unexpected challenge on Christmas Eve—the family’s beloved outdoor patio heater refused to light up, casting a chill […]

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